
Me and my ex-misses now had split up and she left me and had taken everything including my son and my dogs and left me in the house by self.

I thought it be the bright idea to drink myself stupid and that was going to get me feeling in a better head space.

I did that for three days straight until I couldn't take it anymore, I was laying in bed alone crying my eyes out not knowing what to do and I remembered #callyamate.

It was 1:30am and I called one of my best mates and poured my heart out to him for 20 minutes.

He ordered himself a cab to my place and was there until the sunrise talking with me and just letting me know everything is alright and there's brighter days of there.

After our long conversation I felt relieved to get all that stress and worry of my shoulders and realise this is only a small speed bump in life.

#callyamate saved me from a dark downward spiral I may have never come back from.

I'm great full I've got good mates around and I'm sure there's a lot of other blokes in the same position as me.

Don't be ashamed to call your mate and have chat!


Time & time again


5 years since we lost you