Story of Life
Call Ya Mate Call Ya Mate

Story of Life

I hope this inspires some of you and helps yas out abit if yas need it. ( please excuse spelling dyslexic as all hell)

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#CallYaMate Sculpture
Call Ya Mate Call Ya Mate

#CallYaMate Sculpture

G’day, I'm Gemma! and I am 17 from South Tassie!! One subject offered in some schools in Tasmania is a University of Tasmania course called Object Design. The theme for this year was CARE.

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Life’s a journey
Call Ya Mate Call Ya Mate

Life’s a journey

I've been struggling a lot past few months. Never told anyone cause feel so embarrassed and ashamed of myself. Who wants to know about my issues. I'm a nobody. Who would care.

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Time & time again
Call Ya Mate Call Ya Mate

Time & time again

I originally messaged Craig just to tell him that i try to inspire the caring mentality of my workmates as he does, and shared what the last 6 years has had in store for my wife and I. He suggested i put an entry here. Here goes…

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Personal Stories Call Ya Mate Personal Stories Call Ya Mate


Here goes. I was a truck driver for 28 years been everywhere thought I saw everything until one morning in 2015. I'm in the truck at a hundred k's on the freeway and a car driving like a dickhead.

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Strength to Strength
Personal Stories Call Ya Mate Personal Stories Call Ya Mate

Strength to Strength

Posted on behalf of a strong young lady. Craig sought special permission and requested her story form part of the #callyamate page. A reminder that in your darkest moments, you may find the light where you least expect it!

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Start Here Call Ya Mate Start Here Call Ya Mate


The founder of #CallYourMate shares his personal story of the moment that changed his life, and where the heart of #CallYaMate comes from.

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Have a Heart and Share Your Story
Start Here Call Ya Mate Start Here Call Ya Mate

Have a Heart and Share Your Story

You are not alone. Everyone has a story worth sharing.

You never know if it will resonate with another person and give them the hope and inspiration they need to get through a dark moment.

CLICK BELOW to share your story.

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