5 years since we lost you

5 years since we lost you. You were a ray of light, a beautiful, caring, selfless, incredible person.

It still isn’t easy, I have my really low days where my mind is constantly asking the whats ifs. The heartache and confusion is sometimes too much. But I know you’re in a better place now and you’re still with us in some sort of way.

You’d be so proud of everything that we’ve achieved in these 5 years. Since we’ve lost you I’ve done some work with Black Dog Institute, raising over 4.5k in 5 years over numerous fundraisers. For people struggling with mental health, and to raise awareness for suicide prevention.

I do it all for you, because I wish that we hadn’t lost you, I wish that we hadn’t lost you in such a devastating way.

I love you, I’m always thinking about you.

You’re the best Uncle, always a number 1 support to us.

You’re missed so so much 😢

If you’ve come this far, please check on your family and friends during the holiday season. You don’t know what is going on behind closed doors.

Sending love and light to anyone who is dealing with mental illness 🤍🤍




