
Hi all, hope ya well.

Here goes. I was a truck driver for 28 years been everywhere, thought I saw everything, until one morning in 2015.

I'm in the truck at a hundred k's on the freeway and a car driving like a dickhead.

She the car is next to the side of my truck the passenger door opens and a 19 year old girl jumps out and under my trailer.

Nothing I could do except watch.

Anyway. The nightmares start virtually straight away, then ptsd depression. Along with hiding myself away from the world for no good reason.

Two stays in a ptsd hospital and a few failed suicide attempts. Just letting the world get away on me to be honest.

Couldn't drink enough to numb the torment and chatter in my head. Been on nearly every depression and anxiety and ptsd meds that they could jam down my throat.

Now 2022, I'm 3 years into a relationship with a childhood crush and loving life. For me personally I believe that once I found a good shrink that got my emotions under control them changed my mind set to (it's a good day, I'm not a bad person, they don't know what happened to me).

It takes a lot of work trust me.

Be in the moment and start to look at the world in a different way that's not doom and gloom and soon it becomes the norm.

Now I’ve completed my cert 3 in community services and well on my way to help others that are starting the same road I’ve been on.

Try and learn something new everyday. Doesn't matter what it is.

Ask someone to explain something to you.

Exercise just a walk for 10 to 20 minutes does the world of good.

I think that's about it for me. Thanks for reading. Take care.
AND #callyamate



5 years since we lost you


Think of Nothing Tonight