Life’s a journey

Just a short one

I've been struggling a lot past few months.

Never told anyone cause feel so embarrassed and ashamed of myself.

Who wants to know about my issues.

I'm a nobody.

Who would care.

I shut out my kids and family.

Cut off friends.

Stayed in my room for weeks.

Cried all the time.

I'm worthless.

Life's not worth it.

No one would miss me.

This is how I see my life.

Couple months ago that changed.

A friend called me. I wasn't answering anyone but I took this call. Don't know why. During chat I said something. Don't know what.

Well this friend came to me. He helped me out of a very dark place and forced me to get help.

I hated him for it.

I didn't realise I was killing myself inside. I'm getting there but a long way to go.

TikTok's been good for me as I've made a few good friends.

People look at you and think you look fine. Don’t ever be ashamed if you are in a dark place and need help. There's a lot out there.

Life's hard for all. Yes I did think about ending it. To be honest I still do at times but I know I can call someone.

I’m so grateful for kind people.

We need them.


Jason's road to success


Time & time again