Jason's road to success

I had a pretty good childhood being raised by my grandparents along with my brother.
But something was always off with me, had a terrible temper and always got in trouble in school.

That lead to me moving back in with my mom and things got better for a bit but the friends I'd made were on drugs and drinking and I followed suite.
By 17 I had been in and out of JDC and other facilities more than I had been out since 14.
Once i turned 18 I left mom’s and went over the road and the drug use on that crew was rampant so I spiraled down and by my early 20s I was running drugs and dealing and was everything I hated in people.
I had overdosed and did everything to not survive my addiction until I got arrested in the early hours of March 13th 2016 and from then I haven't touched any drug or drank much.
I spent a year locked up and was released into a drug court program that got my license back and they built me back up and saved my life.

These last 6 years have been truly amazing for me and all I've done is work my ass off to get free and have worked from nothing to starting my own trucking business last November.

I try my very best to show people there is a better way and life and to lead them out of their addictions or troubles.

This life we are blessed with is a beautiful thing if we can figure out how to make peace with ourselves and i wish everyone could see it like I do


#CallYaMate Sculpture


Life’s a journey