One step, one life changing morning

Why the title you ask?

Well, on a random Saturday morning in 2018 I was involved in a dog attack.

I stepped forward, and the rest is a blur. The result was 10 days in hospital. Facial skin and cartilage grafting. More hurtful was the impact this had on a close friendship.

All ties with that person were cut. A gruelling 6-week recovery in essentially home isolation due to infection risks.

I was lucky in that I was able to walk away.

I sought professional help for an ongoing raft of things, including PTSD, huge anxiety leaving home alone, anxiety/fear over how I looked.

Now, years on, I have started to share my story.

For almost 2 years only my partner (of now 7 years) had seen me on that day (after the bite), very few people have ever seen the pictures.

For 2 years I kept the images of my grafting to myself.

For 2 years I struggled, but a chance meeting (mutually volunteering) with Craig lead to a reminder (regularly). I should always call a mate if I needed to.

I had been right to see professionals.

There was nothing wrong with me approaching a huge life changing moment as I have done.

At the time I was a final year university student.

I went on, with support from many people and professionals, to graduate with honours 12 months after my first surgery.

I would encourage anyone reading to please seek that help.

Err on the side of caution and go early.

If you have friends who are having a hard time- call them.

On my darkest days, a message or call was what got me through anxiety, or a panic attack. This is why I am 100% behind #CallYaMate.


Image attached- me after my skin and cartilage graft surgery. I was at my lowest here. Many a day was spent talking to friends and then professionals.

Image shared with permission and a reminder- some may show the hurt on the outside, but sometimes deep down that hurt is so much worse.


I didn’t want to do it


Think That’s You