Think That’s You

A few years ago I participated in some fascinating training to be able to lead young footballers in their education around mental heath and drug addictions.

It was a group training. Everyone was asked to tell the reason for wanting to be a part of the program and in the training were 2 colleagues from the senior footy club, I was the senior coach.

As the we got deep into the training, one of the modules was identifying someone suffering depression. The course went on for a couple of days and at the end of the course we all sat down for dinner. At the end of dinner the 2 guys I was attending the course with asked to talk.

What came next changed my life.

They proceeded to explain that they knew a good guy that they felt fitted all criteria that we did in the course, and that he may be suffering from severe depression.

I said “Do I know this person?”

They both replied- “It’s you mate. It’s you.”

After listening to them I realised I was not feeling myself for some time, took myself to the doc and opened up about a few things that had happened over the last 3 years that I wasn’t coping with.

It was that simple.

Seeking help changed my life.

And rather than resent them two guys, I thank them.


[Note: Minor edits for clarity]


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