Story of Life

Hey guys and gals 

I hope this inspires some of you and helps yas out abit if yas need it. ( please excuse spelling dyslexic as all hell)

When I was transitioning into high school I had just left a school I'd been bullied every day that I would show up to attend school and had no real friends and when I got to year 7 I thought it would all be the same the first day I met my teacher and as soon as we went to the class room he just reminded me so much of myself I started to becom alittle happier the second day we all just sat around studying for tests as per usual when out of no where he comes up to me and said "let's go outside for a chat" so we went outside and he was straight honest and he said look I know about what happened at your old school and I know your mental health isnt to good at the moment but I've got something to show you he took me to the back of his car and he had a sleeping bag a bag of cloaths and a little car fridge he said if you ever feel like shit just remember I currently don't have a place to stay but I'm still showing up and making everyone's day, fast forward to grade 9 he walked up as he usually does being a 6'5 giant and said I've got some bad news "I'm leaving at the end of the week " and by then I had a small group of friends and as soon as they seen me walk back in they asked what was up so I told them and one of my closest mates said " look man life will get you down you just got to get back up again it's not the size of the dog in the fight it's the size of the fight in the dog" as soon as he said that I started thinking about everything I went home and just started riding me motor bike sure I shouldn't have been on the road but what happened I would never have thought, I went for a ride like usual but something with my bike didn't feel right so I went to my best mates place n he got on his bike just in case we went to our riding place about half an our out of town on motorbikes and as soon as we got there I was still doing close to 120ksh my front breaks locked on and sent me flying into a tree I got flown to hospital and spent 3 weeks in icu in a coma when I woke up I had a seizure they resuscitated me and asked if I would like to sign the dnr paper work and I did that after noon my mate that was with me at the time of the crash came to see me I told him what happened he told me that as soon as I got flown away he got to service called someone with a car and trailer to come get my bike he waited for them loaded his and my bike up came back to town and as soon as he got home was in the car going to the hospital I was at he waited there for the hole time I was out by my side and when I woke up and told him I signed the paper work these words came out of his mouth ( man we might not have much but aslong as we got eachother we will get through anything u can't go on me not yet not ever ) half an hour later he went to go get something to eat I called the doctor back and asked for the paper work and got it destroyed and said if I die my best mate will be well he won't make it either and from that I learnt no matter what happens don't give up once i got out of the hospital and had a look at my bike for the first time since the crash it had been absolutely 7 and a half weeks since then I was still conceted to a portable heart monitor that would zap me if my heart stoped I told my mate we can't fix that about the only thing good on that thing now is the chain and probably the sprockets (drive gears) so we sent the bike away after taking what we could off it and went out looking for a new one I didn't end up getting it but little did I know my mate sent it away to get fully rebuilt motor frsim everything he showed up one day with it and I was shocked that day I knew I had a real friend a brother if you would and from that day on words we have had eachothers backs. I guess the moral of the story is trust in the people that are by ur side through everything and don't ask anything from them 

I hope someone finds this helpful 



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