#CallYaMate Sculpture

G’day, I'm Gemma! and I am 17 from South Tassie!!

One subject offered in some schools in Tasmania is a University of Tasmania course called Object Design. The theme for this year was CARE. I decided I wanted to create something that raised awareness about talking about mental health within rural communities. When I chose this, I instantly remembered this one TikTok I had seen about #CallYaMate and how people becoming aware of this hashtag motivated, many people to reach out and talk to their mates about their mental health. This is when I reached out to Craig on Instagram and asked if I would be able to make a scrap metal hand sculpture doing the "call me" pose for my Object Design project. I welded old scrap metal found in my farm shed to create this hand sculpture and it is now on display at the University of Tasmania's School of Creative Arts in Hobart! The Exhibition with all the other Object Design Projects is on display until the 14th of October, 11 am - 4 pm on weekdays.

Thanks again Mate, for letting me design this !! It's been a really fun welding project and truly inspiring! I bloody love what you are doing!!


Story of Life


Jason's road to success